BlacktoGreen presents its Climate Finance tool

An online database with hundreds of Climate Funds

Climate finance

BlacktoGreen is thrilled to launch its new Climate Finance tool, which helps developers of climate change (mitigation and adaptation) projects identify sources of financial support for their project. BlacktoGreen’s climate finance tool was created to help worthy climate change projects obtain financial support, and thereby increase the number of projects being developed. Our overall objective is to encourage an adequate and timely response to climate change.

Hundreds of international climate funds exist today: each fund has its own particular eligibility and exclusion criteria, related to numerous variables (e.g. geography, technology, project size, finance mechanisms offered, etc.). Project developers often find that investigating and understanding each fund’s eligibility and exclusion criteria can be too time – and resource – intensive.

Our tool allows climate change project developers to quickly understand their options to obtain climate finance support. After providing some basic background information on their planned project, an exhaustive search is made of all the climate funds contained in the tool’s database. The tool is designed to filter and match climate funds’ eligibility and exclusion criteria – each is detailed exhaustively within the database – with the information provided by project developers.

Project developers then receive a summary of our analysis – within 24 hours – detailing the climate funds with relevance to their project.

BlacktoGreen provides this service completely free of charge. Users have no obligations or commitments, and all information is treated with complete confidentiality.

BlacktoGreen’s Climate Finance identification tool is provided online, and is accessible at our Climate Finance page.

For more information, please contact our Sustainability expert ([email protected]).

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